How I Became A Vegan Crossfit Athlete

Crossfit is my true inspiration and my goal as well. Hi, I am Tui living in Bali and it’s my story. If you want to check my lifestyle can check the video below:

I was into sports from a young age – I remember in the kindergarten raising against the boys, who would ride a bike and I’d run – and win! I loved it, hahaha!

In school, sports was always my favorite subject. I did track and field for a few years and played volleyball on the side. I succeeded in the local competitions, but when I got into my teens, I lost my motivation, and my focus went into hanging out with friends and going out. 

When I finished high school, I did a gap year in Australia, which involved a lot of traveling and partying. Once I got back home to Finland, I realized I was totally out of shape: I had lost all my muscles, had excess body fat, and could not finish a Body Pump session… This was a big wake up call for me – this is NOT who I wanted to be!!

From that moment, I decided I am going to go all in and get fit, strong and healthy again. I hired a personal trainer and started training consistently, on a bodybuilding plan. I cleaned up my diet. I didn’t go out much and prioritized my rest and recovery. 

And I achieved results very quickly – I got a six-pack and a strong body. I loved how I felt and looked. I got passionate about helping others to become healthier and happier too, so I decided to make my passion my living, and went to study my Bachelor’s in Sports. On the weekends I studied to become a Certified Personal Trainer. Next to my studies, I started to instruct group fitness classes. 

Then in 2015, I heard of this sport called CrossFit: I saw people doing rope climbs, handstands, and smashing heavy-ass weights – and I was like, I wanna do that!!

So, I signed up for the starter course – and got humbled, haha! I thought I was fit… But I discovered very quickly that that was not true in the field of CrossFit. 

Again, I decided to go all-in: I did the classes every day and practiced the movement techniques on my own time. It was so frustrating – being a beginner again and sucking at so many movements! But I had decided to become great in this sport, so I kept going.

And again, I progressed quickly: I started getting better, and got offered a coaching position. 


The same year, I went plant-based. I became very interested in all aspects of nutrition and studied a lot on the topic. Back then, I didn’t know any vegan crossfitters – so I decided that I’m going to lead by example and show the world you can thrive and perform without any animal products! 

Fast track for 5 years and I’m THRIVING and still getting stronger every day! I live my dream life, in Bali. I am living a happy, healthy, and balanced lifestyle, that allows me to live my passion and inspire others. I train and compete in CrossFit, and I coach others to become fit, healthy, and happy, and to thrive on plants!

A message I’d share? You are just one decision away to achieve your goals. But YOU have to make that decision, no one else can do that for you! Remember, that everyone has started somewhere. You can achieve anything – it all comes down to what you really want, and WHY. The main thing is to build a lifestyle you enjoy, and to have FUN!!!

For motivation, tips, good vibes and coaching, follow me on my socials and come say hi! 🙂



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